What kind of frangipani should I grow?

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If you have decided your favourite frangipani flower is the traditional white (yellow throat), light pink or orange, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding a nicely shaped healthy one.

If you’ve seen a Singapore frangipani and were amazed by it’s glossy leaf and large scented flower, you probably won’t consider anything else until you get a Singapore for yourself.

If you think of your frangipani as an investment, paying 2 or 3 times the price for a similar size frangipani plant can increase your return ten fold.

One advantage of getting a popular variety as opposed to a common variety is its future value. If you plant a number of small frangipani plants, you might want to get rid of one or two when they get 2 or 3 metres tall. If they are a rare or unique variety, you’ll be able to sell them easily for a good price. If your special frangipani grows into a large tree, any branches you prune off will be valuable cuttings and a treasured gift to any gardener.

Keep in mind that rare frangipanis are rare usually because they are more delicate and more difficult to grow. Although growing rare frangipanis can be a challenge, growing them to an advanced size will no doubt be a great reward.

Unusual Frangipani Species

The pudica produces and abundance of vibrant white flowers. The stenophylla has needle like leaves and small and cute flowers. The Singapore has glossy leaves and a large scented flower. The petite pink is a dwarf and also has glossy leaves. The petite pink has small and slightly scented flowers and is one of the more challenging frangipanis to grow.

Unusual Frangipani Rubra

Within the rubra species, there are scented and beautifully coloured flowers which will be collector items for future generations. Some of our favourite varieties which are also hardy are the Hot Pink, the Firecracker and the amazing Sharna’s Rose. The Blood Red, the Black red and the Kimberley Sunset are also impressive and popular flowers but more delicate.

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