Why is my frangipani plant not producing flowers?

If your frangipani tree is taller than 2 metres and has more than 30 crowns, it should be producing many flowers every summer. If it isn’t, it’s probably because it’s not getting enough sun or it’s getting too much water. If you have a not-so-important tree that is blocking the sun, consider removing it or copping it to a smaller size. If you can’t let more sunlight to the frangipani, consider transplanting it to a better position.

If your frangipani is less than 1.5 metres tall and has less than 10 crowns, you should not rush it to produce flowers. Besides flowers looking pretty and smelling nice for humans, flowers are not so beneficial for the frangipani. Flowers use up a lot of energy. Many small frangipanis put their energy into making their roots and branches thicker and stronger which is much better for the long term.

Also, flowers are part of the reproduction system. Seed pods are produced on flower stems after flowering. Please don’t force your frangipani (or anything else) to use its reproductive system until it is developed and mature enough. If a small frangipani flowers, it’s best to take the flowers off as soon as they open or, even better, cut the flower stem off as soon as you can.

When do frangipanis flower?

Most frangipani varieties flower from December to April but my in ground Singapore here on the Sunshine Coast had numerous blooms before the end of October. Many of my firecracker pinks in pots were also in flower early November.

Hot Pink frangipanis tend to produce foliage and flowers later but hit their peak around March or April.

I’ve never live in the tropics but I assume frangipanis flower all year round in tropics. Feedback anyone?

Why do people use frangipani flower images so often?

The common frangipani flower with five petals is an easily recognised shape. Also, the bright colours and attractive colour combinations are also popular.

Frangipani images can be found almost everywhere such as on cars, fashion, household goods, advertising brochures.

How to display frangiani flowers?


Find a cluster of frangipani flowers which look fresh and cut them off at the base of the stem. Use a tissue to control the dripping sap. Place the stem in a vase with water. A vase with a small entrance will better hold the stem upright.

My favourite way to display frangipani flowers inside or on the balcony is to place them in a float bowl.